Friday, August 9, 2019

Good parenting for Business.

If you have taken years of pain to grow your business right from its infancy, till the time it gets matured; and have instilled your righteous values and ethics in it, protected it from getting exposed to the roots of dishonesty, then it is bound to act and function the way you have structured it to be.

Often, during teens, when there are sporadic clashes between you and your child, do you simply cut off your ties with it and choose to give up on "parenting"?

If your connection is built on the basis of truthfulness, you can surely reach a positive agreement between the two of you.

The same way, if you have maintained a transparency in your business and with the people associated with it, then you can handle it well enough during your downturns.

Many of us believe that, in this money grabbing world, there is no way to go from rags to riches in a whirlwind, without gluing in a little chicanery.

However, believe you me, when you attach your business with the strings of dishonesty, you would not only hit pay dirt faster, but also face an equally fast and early deprivation.

When your business walks on the path of authenticity and patience, there might be a negligibly slow growth, but never a defeat.

Entrepreneurship is all about experiencing recurrent success and failure, but is often wrongly juxtaposed with ‘Winning and Losing’. And this is the root cause of depression, aggressive behaviour, even suicides, that happen after a business pitfall.

You may fail many a times, but that doesn't mean you’ve lost the game of life.
Failure is not defeat.

The problem is not when an entrepreneur faces bankruptcy, but when he builds a pyramid of false wealth and can't hold onto it for a longer time.

It all starts when a child steals a five-rupee coin for the very first time to buy a toffee and enjoys the trick. When you take no action against it and allow it to happen, it becomes his habit.

So, 5 rupees multiply by 365 days! And well, your stealing value in business reach lakhs and crores. And in this process of enjoying easy money, you forget the pile of risks that you have been building up all this time.

A better scheme is to religiously focus on your business with utmost diligence and veracity, because only then will you sustain yourself in the business for a longer duration, without having the fear of losing yourself completely in the game. Think of your business as your son, as a separate entity. You don’t steal from your son! And you always want your son to tread the path of honesty.  

While a business where the resources are honestly earned by you, might not necessarily bring you 100% superlative outcome; but will ensure a seemingly undisturbed sleep at night.

And well, during the pitfalls, simply channel your grief in a professionally meaningful way and make peace with your mind. Because, only your voice from within will give you answers for everything.
Including the solution.