Sunday, April 1, 2018


Organisations are different from individuals. The moment two individuals get together and organise themselves into one unit, say a family; each individual loses something which is given to the unit. In hunter gatherer societies, it was necessary and efficient to join hands to get food security.
As they started off, each organisation was created to serve human needs. An individual was willing to forgo some of his individuality to get better returns. As history progressed, the organisations started getting bigger and stronger. The individual now had to part with more and more of his individuality.
Life is all about give and take. For every piece of extra security, the individual gave a bit of his freedom.
In any cycle there is a range of optimum level where one gets a good mix of two alternatives. Here the two ends of the pendulum have freedom on one side and security on the other. As one moves towards security, one loses freedom and vice versa. Each person makes his place somewhere along this pendulum path with his own mix of this much security and this much freedom.
As history progressed, organisations started developing their own personalities. They consisted of individual humans, but these humans had to convert themselves into a rank or a position from their own personalities. Organisations insisted that one dissolves individual personality and assume the one ordained by the system.
By definition, organisations will always be against individuals.
The need for security will always create the need for organisations.
Once the organisations developed their own personalities, they started creating the need for their raison d'ĂȘtre. They created more and more need for security. Fear is the key.
The situation has now reached a stage where the fear has reached such proportions that organisations have made humans subservient rather than them serving humans.
We don’t have to look for aliens. They are amongst us.
The organisations we created to serve us have become the monster aliens.
Restrictions are increasing, CCTV surveillance, Gated communities, Id cards…
Where does one go from here?
We need to pause. We need to review. We need to rethink.
But will it be possible?
Our minds have been overpowered so much, that it seems well nigh impossible for us to think independently.
As always. there will be some of us who will rise above their fears. Others will continue harping on the greatness of the organisations.
It is necessary that organisations are kept at a level that they serve us instead of us serving them.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Extinction, the bright future.

We are at the beginning of a new era.

The dinosaurs are getting extinct.

The new age entails:

Reduction of one way media like television and newspapers. Gone are the days when one way information was king. From the newspaper barons, the Pulitzers and the Hearsts, we went on to TV as the chief source of infotainment. What next?

The signs of decay are evident. With more and more interactivity in the hands of the individual, the last desperate gasp of TV can be seen in the way news channels in India are screaming aloud, throwing all decorum to the winds, totally biased and unbalanced, they are desperate for eyeballs which simply are not there.

Ad spends will vanish on these screaming monkeys, as they will swing towards state patronage as a last-ditch effort to stay alive. They will grovel, they will scream, they will crawl, but won’t survive. Already the intelligentsia has give up on them. The masses will soon get over the hypnosis created out of bogeys and crying wolf.

With rise in interactive media, an entire industry is on the brink of collapse.

This is a mere indication of what is coming. And its coming sooner than you think.

This is what according to me is what the future entails:

1.       The good old ways of governance will change.
2.       The shape will change from the leader of the pack system to a bee swarm system.
3.       Focus will shift away from the Executors to the Prey.
4.       Development will shift from infrastructure to micro level.
5.       The focus will shift from the cities to the villages.
6.       Large business will yield to the small and micro level units.
7.       Economies of scale will assume a new meaning.
8.       Linkages will become important and these will cease to be in control of a few.
9.       Ethics and honesty will rule.
10.       The dishonest and unethical will be eliminated not by law enforcement but by denial of  opportunity.
11.   Social systems will change. Merit will mean not just caste, but actual quality of product determined by the consumer.
12.   The state will lose importance.
13.   Political boundaries will lose importance.
14.   Barriers of language, religion, will become extinct.
15.   Stealing and loot of resources will cease as digital currency and blockchain will ensure complete transparency and accountability. Those not adhering will cease to be operative.

Lets welcome the extinction. Lets plan for the future.