Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Street Magician

He sits on the ground
With all the magic around him
We crowd around peeping over shoulders
To see what will he show next.

His voice is captivating
Enthralling the watchers
The tricks are great
Never a dull moment

Things disappear and appear elsewhere
Sleight of hand as never before
We try our best to catch him
But always fail

The show ends and we all clap
Some walk away as he seeks the pennies
Some reach for their pockets
Horror of horrors, they have been picked

The tamasha goes on every day
Doves gather for the show
A hawk performs
While other prey

We slowly catch on
But other shows remain
This time one plays the villain
While others are heroes they say.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. The poet in you was waiting to come out.The underlying philosophy and thoughts are quite subtle and need deep pondering by the reader.
